Vacation Status.


It’s been a little while since I’ve last posted. I have been thoroughly enjoying my time off work. I haven’t even pulled out my computer much. I’ve spent a lot of time with family and friends, gone running a few times, worked out in the gym, and relaxed with my boyfriend and my dog. I’m not quite ready to get back into the swing of things, but it’s almost a new year and I’ve got to start making my 2013 goals and plans. Tomorrow, I’ll get up early for a long work out and then I’ll come home and start organizing myself for the new year. I’ve definitely over indulged in all my favorites treats and beverages this holiday break and I want to take the month of January to get back on track and really get my fitness to a level I want it. I’m still contemplating my diet and exercise plan and am hoping I can have it figured out tomorrow so I can share with you. I’m excited to share my 2013 goals and plans tomorrow and and to start of the new year the right way.

Hope everyone has enjoyed there holidays and is ready to put fitness and health first in 2013. We are going to eat clean, train mean and live lean this year! 🙂

Monday Circuit Workout


Last week I did my first circuit legs work out. It was challenging, but a great way to work out my legs. Today’s elf challenge was to do a circuit workout. I had a hard time sleeping with all the wind last night so I didn’t get up in time to do my workout and don’t know if I’ll have time tonight. So for my circuit workout today, I’m going to share my leg work out I did last week.

Leg Circuit
9 sets of 20 each per leg holding a 25lb dumbbell in the same hand as the leg your working. I started with my right leg and right arm.

  1. standing lunges
  2. walking lunges
  3. standing reverse lunges
  4. walking reverse lunges
  5. step up bench lunges
  6. single leg-stiff leg dead lift
  7. bench lunges
  8. calf raises
  9. single leg squat

After right leg is done do 50,40,30,20,10 sit ups holding 25lb plate =150 sit ups total Repeat other leg for a total of 180 reps per leg.

Another circuit I really like is the 20,15,10,5 biceps and triceps increasing the weight at each new set. 

Hope you have a fun and fit Monday. Eat clean. Train mean. Live lean. 

Work Out Plans, Elf Challenges and Veggies

I missed my Motivational Monday post. I had planned to talk about my workouts for the week and some tips to eating healthy. So I’m a day late and a dollar short, but here is my plan.

Monday I did a circuit again of chest, back and legs.
Reps: 20, 15, 10, 5 increasing weight each time.
Chest Press, Incline Row, Bench Press, Cable Row
Leg Press 25, 50, 75, 100 in between each set

Tuesday: cxworks core class and grit… if you haven’t tried either. They are great classes by Les Mills, my gym offers all of Les Mills classes, I recommend finding a gym near you that offers these classes.
Wednesday: Serious about Fitness Trainer
Thursday: Cardio – either swimming or running
Friday: Strength Training


I decided to sign up for elf4health holiday challenge. They are the same ladies that put on Foodie Pen Pal that I’ve done a couple of times. I think it’s a great way to challenge yourself during the holidays and connect with others. The way it works is at the beginning of each week they send you challenges for the week and you get paired up with an elf for a 2 week period where you exchange emails helping them with there challenges are share your experience. There is also a facebook group set up and you can instagram or twitter your results. Here are this week’s challenges. I’ll talk later on how I’ve been doing.


A few tips to keep you eating clean this week. Include veggies in every meal. Try to think veggies first when meal planning. I also grab out my veggies and then decide what protein to cook with them. What helps for me is thinking the veggies as the main dish and the protein as the side. Some of my favorite winter veggies: Kale, Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Squash, Sweet Potatoes and cauliflower. Tonight for dinner I’m going to make practical paleo cabbage rolls with a kale and broccoli.


Fitness Friday

I have been one busy girl this week. Picking up serving shifts 2 nights in a row on top of my day job and work outs has exhausted me. Yesterday’s rest day was very much needed or I don’t think I would have lasted the 2nd 20 hour day. I woke up early for my work out this morning, but realized I forgot to do something for work so had to skip it and go to work early. As badly as I wanted to skip my Friday work out I knew I had to do it to stay on track with my one rest day a week.

So bring on Friday night work out..

3 mile treadmill run
– 1st mile at speed 6, incline 1
– 2nd mile at speed 7, incline 2
– 3rd mile at speed 8, no incline

– reps: 20, 15, 10, 5 increasing weight each set
– bar bicep curls
– bar pull ups
– dumbbell shoulder press
– tricep extensions

– 50 reps each
– incline sit ups
– vertical knee crunches
– vertical v-ups
– bicycle, reverse crunch, reg crunch
– 2 min plank

Enjoy your evening!